Visceral proof that conservatism is a legitimate mental disorder. Good on the kids, they’ll very likely have the outstanding thanksgiving they deserve.
Dude’s brain is shit design and fucking sucks, actually
More sunflowers in the fields.
I switched to vaping, then gradually lowered the nicotine levels in my juice over time until I was vaping 0 nic for two months. Then I realized I no longer needed it, and stopped vaping altogether, quitting nicotine for good. This was back when you could get high quality juice sent to you in the mail, though, which is no longer possible, IIRC.
Obligatory TBD Liquids and Blue Dot Vapors, absolute GOAT.
Average winter enjoyer here, just chiming in to say “fuck summer!” We may be few in number, but we are large in spirit.
You’re somehow puzzled by this?
Dead Space, FF VI and VII Remake
Hope they were issued their pocketful of sunflower seeds.
“Australia isn’t down under anything, it’s sitting on the side of a big sphere like the rest of us.”
I feel generally on par with a green bell pepper.
I’m only just barely smart enough to occasionally realize that when the smart people start quietly losing their shit over something I can’t possibly understand, I should have long since been gone by the time they start losing their shit over whatever magic has now prematurely doomed the universe to its inevitable heat death.
Or I could just drink my face off. That works, too.
When she gets there, she knows if the stores are all closed