Conservative game of chess -> En passant is fascist propaganda -> The London openers are actual nazis
Conservative game of chess -> En passant is fascist propaganda -> The London openers are actual nazis
Fun fact: at the very beginning of the evolution of the game, there was only one move - en passant. And the game was called ‘en passant game’. ‘En passant’ comes from the old phoenician ‘heēn pąšhãnn’ meaning approximately ‘en passant’.
The players would take turns doing en passant moves until ultimately no further move could be done, at which point the loser would be eviscerated and his entrails offered in sacrifice to Ba’al. Then everybody would discuss how the loser’s opening sucked and how many blunders he did.
lmao Wikipedia is a made-up website. What is this name anyway? “Week-end pedo” 🤣
Wow very aggressive comments (left leaning) in here!
Everybody is thinking about the workers, but did anyone stop and think about the shareholders for a minute? Do you know the calorific power of a $1 bill, compared to a $100 bill? Well, it’s actually the same because they have the same size and composition. But the emotional heat they produce is not the same at all. You have to burn a very large amount of $1 bills to warm our hearts. And it’s a lot of work. For our servants anyway. Increase the wages, and you reduce the number of large denomination bills we can burn in our marble chimneys. That literally makes us sad.
Think about it. By increasing the workers wage, what you really do is pile up more misery on the shareholders.
Please 🙏 🥺 we need this. Well not really but hey
He’s not transphobic, he’s “only” misogynistic. Which is only 50% transphobic I suppose
Yes you does
I usually go with "Test. Mentioning the existence of this message can make you the target of all sorts of unpleasant things. Ignore this message or else.
You don’t get it. You’re still acknowledging the existence of the message since you’re reading it. You still don’t get it. Either this message exists, or you do. It’s a zero-sum game. Do you enjoy existing?
Are you thinking about it? Wrong.
I might actually try. Sounds decent.
Are you an LLM (legume language model)? Do you have a parsnipade recipe as well?
The European mind cannot comprehend this simple trick!
This could easily be avoided by resigning after the second move.
Which he spells thusly, with two D’s
Did you see when it was on the right side and facing away from you? Amazing.
Glorious day, thanks to everyone involved.
Huh hoh, she’s having an affair with the car. You should have seen the red flag
Sorry I thought this was reddit
Maybe - I know this might sound a bit extreme - ask your wife about it?
I’ll get there eventually
Wow, the hubris is real. Ever heard of impostor’s syndrome? Because you obviously don’t suffer from it
deleted by creator
Well, you have to admit they are by far the best feature of bing
If the board is infinite, it means that bishops, queens and rooks can move an infinite distance and then must move at an infinite speed, constantly breaking the laws of physics. While knights, pawns and kings, having finite moves, travel at regular speeds.
The potential high energy collision during a castling would flatten the galaxy.
Promotion from a low energy pawn to a high energy queen would require the consumption of a black hole (approx.)
Bold move.
Well done, I’m completely upset now 😡. The nerve some people have to exist. Unbelievable.