This is adjacent, but it’s worth pointing out that framework has recently started selling risc-v motherboards for their laptops for adventurous folks.
This is adjacent, but it’s worth pointing out that framework has recently started selling risc-v motherboards for their laptops for adventurous folks.
Reality has a left leaning bias. Immigrants have largely become normalized, so they need something else to scrape goat.
They keep you fighting a culture war so you don’t fight a class war.
It might not be 12 inches, but it sure smells like a foot.
It sounds like you’ve found something that works for you, but if you’re interested in trying other things obsidian stores and renders in plain markdown, and also has a vim mode
Thank you kindly!
I have no clue, I’m more utilitarian than fancy. I’ve tried fountain pens but found them to be too high maintenance. If it means anything, my second favorite pen is probably a G2.
The f701 is 8 bucks, a space pen refill is another 9 dollars or so.
So for 20 bucks you have a stainless steel pen that will last forever, while writing in damn near all conditions. Looks snazzy enough to trigger the “I better not leave this” for me, too.
I’ll have to try it out! I currently use fisher space pens, and while the pen is reliable, I definitely notice that it’s not guaranteed to write evenly.
Was there any hacks you had to do to fit the refill?
I’m not familiar with the pilot refill, what about that swap do you enjoy?
I commented this elsewhere, but I figured it deserves it’s own top level comment.
You can take an affordable stainless steel zebra f701 and swap out the ink with a fisher space pen refill for a solid, utilitarian pen for less than 15 bucks.
You can chuck a fisher space pen refill in the f701 if you want to spice it up
If you want to ball on a budget, you can get a steel f701 pen from zebra for $10, slap a fisher space pen refill in it, and call it a day.
Right? I’m reminded of the lower dimensional floss covering the worlds in the 3 body problem series.
Erased is a wonderful weekend binge and scratches some of the deathnote itch.
Revenge is a dish best served with beans.
I love the idea of evil bean god! Thought it was a nice easter bunny chocolate? BAM, BEANS.
You are now Cyamites, the god of beans. Use your powers wisely.
Yeah, let’s hope this thing is parked under a garage during operations… Nothing like a big flashy sign telling the enemy where a cluster of drone operators are.
Try a pitcher filter! I’ve found it can make a big difference in taste.
Along these lines, if anyone craving Altoids sours of yesteryear, cracker barrel actually sells the spiritual successor.