once we run out of ram then the universe starts running on Skyrim physics
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once we run out of ram then the universe starts running on Skyrim physics
I hear some of them. There’s a real cheap one my parents got with a security camera thats real loud to me, but they don’t hear it.
lol no it was in 2016. I was shocked too
i just had one of those free sticks that I got from an event die on me the other day. I should pry it open and see if it’s just a microSD card lmao. Didn’t lose anything of worth on it cuz it was only like 128MB
i remember going on some kind of video game tips website that had user submitted tips. The only one i remember was someone saying that if you did some like, crazy amount of fights in Super Smash Bros 64, you could unlock Goku
It’s never happened to me, but it happened to someone I knew in college. They spent a while cleaning the oven after that lol.
Maybe an extra SSD for more game storage?
if i buy the store brand american cheese at my supermarket, they’re not individually packed and aren’t really that hard to separate on their own, so lmao idk why Kraft does that.
crying and shaking rn. Python never lies!
Galaxy Quest my beloved. Lmao this is great
I played it when it first came out and man that was one heck of a powerful game. I watched a vtuber do a playthrough of it the other day without knowing anything and seeing someone else come to all these realizations about the game in real time was also an experience
The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories.
I can’t say why it was a profound experience for me because that would spoil the whole game, but after I finished it I just sat down and stared at the ceiling for an hour or so.
Used office chairs can be a pretty good deal, esp if you’ve got a used office furniture dealer nearby. I got a used Haworth chair for a bit over 1/4 of the price new and is way more comfortable and well built than the crappy gaming chair i had.
Also, those higher end chair manufacturers have very long warranties, so if you check the manufacture date before you buy, you may find that its still got some warranty left in it.
I think the only movie I’ve seen multiple times in the theater was Black Panther
Printers are the worst!
USS Taco Bell is just a Crunchwrap Supreme for the saucer section and two Burritos for the nacelles
Can you smell what the Jean-Luc is cooking?
Anything interesting like a museum in the area around the airport? I had an 8 hour layover once and I just left the airport and went to a nearby Air Force museum of some sort. It was nice to walk around instead of just sitting in the airport, and I got to see a B-24
even if you were ok with renting a printer for some reason, I find it so creepy that HP needs to monitor all the stuff that gets sent to the printer.
Also I hope whoever decided that everything needs to be a subscription service is having a bad time.