If you think this post is based on a true story…you’re right.
Have you ever visited the Chinatown section in a major city?
“Was this story based? Yes.”
Do you think God stays in heaven because he, too, fears what he has created? - Steve Buscemi in a Spy Kids movie
They announced a live-action reboot yesterday, but I’m guessing it’ll have a different cast.
I wondered why I was seeing so much Gargoyles lately!
It would be really cool if they used some of the Trek cast again, but that’s probably just a dream. They do all seem to like voice acting gigs though.
Adding 30 years to a cast that was already in their 30s/40s when the original aired was hard enough with Picard, when the people were supposed to look like people. And that series wrapped last year.
Curious to see what they do with the remake, but folks aren’t getting any younger.
They could have a lot of the same cast. All the Gargoyles would be CGI anyway and I don’t think it really matters how old any of the human characters are.
The first four Trek series are all represented, though TNG is the most prominent. Here’s a listical.
Wonderful series, though. It was doing inter-episode continuity and story arcs back in a 90’s Disney Afternoon cartoon.
Hey, cool! I knew about the TNG ones, but wasn’t aware of the others. Thanks!
Incredible show. Gargoyles and ExoSquad were the cartoons of my early adolescent years.
No Jeffrey Combs means it’s not in universe.
I have no idea who decided a 90s kid show should have writing that good but they made the right call. Xanatos is one of the best written villains ever.
The animated Batman series was also ridiculously good.
The episode “Heart of Ice” won an Emmy for writing. That good.
What I love the most about that episode is that Mr. Freeze was a total joke villain before B:TAS. They took a guy whose entire existence was just dumb ice puns in non-serious stories and they did… that.
As a child, going from the 60s Batman series to that was almost whiplash inducing. I did not expect animated Batman to give me the feels. I did not expect animated Batman to honestly scare the crap out of me.
Batman brave and the bold is fantastic. My kid grew up watching that show
There’s a reason the Xanatos Gambit (CW: TVTropes) is named after him.
Didn’t Micheal Dorn also voice someone on Gargoyles? I know I watched the shit out of this show but I barely remember anything specific from it, which is wild because I loved it.
Yep! Plus Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, and Levar Burton.
Who was Brent Spiner?
He was an actor most known for his role as Bob Wheeler on Night Court, but that’s not important right now.
He played Data
“Puck” - but I can’t remember the character names all that well.
OMG I can’t believe I forgot that! He was fucking AMAZING as Puck.
Yes he played a couple smaller characters. Also: Michael*
Yeah. He was a cybernetic gargoyle (or something. I haven’t seen the show in a while). I think he came along later, and wasn’t in the first season.
Thank you I’m not alone in that regard. I used to rush home to watch it and fight for the remote and can’t tell you a damned thing I saw.
He was Coldstone, the cyborg gargoyle.
I never got to watch it as a kid because fundie parents, but my wife made me watch a few eps as an adult and I gotta say it holds up remarkably well.
I haven’t watched it since the 90s, so I was wondering if it did. I may have to pass it on to my next generation.
I can hear Riker in my head. Weird.
Damn that’s a hell of a cast on that show.
It holds up