That keyboard layout is stuff of nightmares
Somehow all smart TVs have a similar layout, as it wasn’t hard enough to select letters with a remote.
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Can you imagine trying to play a game with WASD controls on that?
At least W and S have been circled for some fucking reason
I assume the reason is cardinal compass directions. (North, south, east, west. N, S, E, W.)
Yes but you didn’t consider the fact I’m dumb as shit so
NESW are circled for the cardinal directions
They should have just used a QWERTY keyboard and added and extra N on top for the logical layout of
N̂ Q‹W┼E› R T... A S̬ D F ... Z X C V...
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And why are there two number pads?
Left keypad is for real numbers and the bottom keypad is for imaginary numbers.
Looks like the top one is MCDU. You can do things like type in latitude and longitude coordinates to fly to.
Bottom panel looks like radio tuner, so just for entering radio frequencies and maybe transponder codes.
From other comments it appears this is not a shop. I don’t know why ATR would use this design. There are definitely other planes where you can key in radio frequencies into the MCDU.
I’m fairly certain that “Turn the freakin’ frogs gay” is a side effect of cell towers. If you open the main compartment on a tower, it’s just three buttons labeled:
- Cancer - default setting
- COVID - 2020 ‘Hard Mode’ feature
- Rainbows - Gary in R&D was fired since this option made everyone gay (frogs too)
I’ll point out that since most people stopped getting COVID boosters that the second option doesn’t do much anymore. We all know the boosters had extra microchips since they naturally degrade in our systems over time.
It’s worth noting that you can also use the terminal to download all the data captured by your local “birds”.
Also, as much as I shouldn’t need to put this… /s
I don’t know why, but #3 absolutely sent me! 🤣
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This is a shitposting community. Get off your high horse, no one is anti-lgbtq here. We’re all on the same side enjoying a laugh together.
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Cool, the keyboard has a VW key to activate Fahrvergnügen.
I don’t know, but surely you have to rotate the turn switch far away from “norm”.
I see you have the keys ⓃⒺⓌⓈ highlighted. Are you manipulating the media, too?
yeah whats up with that? is it a north east west thing?
Probably yes, those are the letters in GPS coordinates they might need to input. However, the standard with global coordinates as two floating point values is that Ⓝ and Ⓔ are positive while Ⓢ and Ⓦ are negative so they could just use that.
Anyway, they should have just used a QWERTY keyboard and added an extra N on top for the logical layout of
┌N┐ Q W┼E R T... A└S┘D F ... Z X C V...
That makes a lot of sense. I guess in a combat situation it might help to have some distance between the letters though.
I think the current layout cannot be much worse. The positions of the letters don’t correspond to cardinal directions at all. In a combat scenario, you don’t want to type on a non-standard keypad. To make the NWES keys stand out as they should, they could be mildly arrow-shaped like ⭔ or ⌂. Keys are not easily confused if they have special shapes.
FPLN - Frog Plan
fake, it’s missing the option to cloak Bigfoot
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What aircraft is this?
Looks like an airbus. It’s definitely not an A320 so I am just going to guess A380
It’s an ATR
, not an Airbus but almost (Airbus won’t let you fit a non Airbus MCDU).
The best part is that this page is the CPDLC free text page to send data link messages with ATC or company. Someone took the time to write that all page with the spaces etc. That’s dedication.
You have to put in the konami cheat to do so
Turning frogs gay is a side effect of the earth flattening drug.
Thats an always on setting, but if you press the unlabeled button on the left seven times you can unlock catgirls.
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The water is turning the frogs gay, not chemtrails. Fake fan. /s