whenever I post or talk to people on an online forum or something like that, they think that I’m a child or “chid-llike” q.q That is fake!! I’m not a child because I am 20 years old ok!! But it’s ok if they think that, I think it’s something disrespectful >.<
Learn to write better; use proper punctuation and grammar.
but I use proper punctuation oki. Plus I don’t capitalize the first letter because I think it’s a cute choice!! And I like grammar of course.
I don’t think the double exclamation marks are doing you any favours.
ok I’m very sorry q.q I will stop doing that, I like being happy n.n
This is a joke, right?
If you look at older posts, they too are written like a 14-year old girl would write.
I am afraid OP is serious…
Don’t worry, he’s not. Blatant trolling, because if any of his previous questions were sincere, he’d taken the point by now.
deleted by creator
This is a troll, or somebody so rude that they would give a passive aggressive answer like that. Either way it is worthy of being ignored.
That’s not passive aggression.
it’s not passive aggresive, I just said that I like typing like this because it shows happiness and it’s ok for me, so I’m very sorry if it sounded like that, I didn’t mean it to look like that! I apologize to erusuoyera, they are a good person and I hope they have very good holidays.
So, in conclusion “I like typing cute like a child, but why do people think I’m a child when they see how I type and have no other information about me to go on?”. Is that basically your question?
It’s a troll to rage bait at this point
like, what the hell is this?
Crying eyes. The period is a nose, and the legs of the n are tear streams while the horizontal line is a closed eye.
Not crying per se, it’s more like “anime smiling eyes” style. I remember that shit from when I was 13, quite a while ago.
I stand corrected.
what the hell is this?
An example of writing like a child.
I think you’re 12 or 13 and lying about being 20, judging by your writing style and use of emoticons.
The way you type is a bit funny, to me any how, so that likely ties in to why you are perceived as, “a child” But you said it was your age, so … Guess people online are geriatrics.
doesn’t capitalize
whines about being pigeonholed as a child due to how they communicate on a social network
“I deserve to be treated like an adult because I am at least 1 year and 1 day past the US age of majority”
I remember my first time on the internet, too
FYI, pigeon doesn’t have a D in it.
- furries enter the chat… *
greentext enters the chat
Did you know they die after sex?
You are correct, sir or madam
no!! I really apologize for this but this isn’t my first time on the internet, if it was, I would not be interested in technology or software, and I wouldn’t be using Lemmy, I would be using X or Instagram, but those are complex social media!!
lol wat
This comment makes me think you’re lying about being 20.
I’m 20… I have an official ID.
Prove it. Dm me your credit card info and ill check to make sure you’re an adult
Hardy har har.
I’m 22, 23 next month. The reason you’re being labeled as a child is the way you type. The vibes people are getting from your messages/posts do convey a pre-teen person. Tone down the exclamation points and capitalize the beginning of sentences. Emotion Faces should probably be reserved for chats with friends or family as on the internet they are tied to younger people. Here’s a re-written version of your post as an example:
“Whenever I post or talk to people on an online forum or something, they think that I’m a child or child-like. But I’m not, I am a 20 y/o. It’s fine if they think that, but I think it’s disrespectful.”
Your biological age doesn’t matter on the Internet. Your only currency is how you communicate. If you communicate like a child, as far as the Internet is concerned, you are a child. If you want to be treated like an adult you need to act/communicate like an adult.
Adults convey meaning with words, not emojis.
ok thank you for that feedback!! I will limit the emoji use, that is a nice feedback, thank you.
There’s something about the way you type that comes across as juvenile. I think it’s the lack of capitalization and grammatical errors. Are you not a native English speaker? That would definitely explain it.
I’m currently mexican but I love american culture too!!
If you want to appear more mature, start capitalizing your sentences and using less exclamation points. Some are fine, but never more than one to a sentence.
talks like a child
is surprised people think they’re a child
I mean, twenty is just a couple of years short of still being a child, depending on definition. When people tell you that on the internet it’s usally not an actual guess of your age range, they are telling you that you’re acting childish.
The secret is to not care about what people on the internet think or say. You do you 💜
thank you very much for that!! Please be yourself too always. Thank you!!
Perhaps this?
Yeah, wonder why that might be. Most people who have been around for a while have seen a lot of trolling that was better executed than yours is.
no trolling, I’m sorry, I’m not a troll…
Oh, my bad. Then why are you acting like one 100% consistently?
it’s just who I am!! I like being like this. I’m happy and I will make everyone else happy.
Good for you, buddy.
I’m a teenager and I don’t talk like that.
Capitalize your sentences Stop spamming emoticons, emojis, and exclamation marks Don’t be naive Use common sense
And you’ll be fine.
People in their 20s are still basically teenagers.
The brain doesn’t finish developing until 25, but in the US, they’re full adults when they’re 18 (and they can drive when they’re 16!)
OP’s giving off huge “holds up spork” vibes
I feel that reference is older than they are and so will be lost on them.
Fuck it probably is.
Good god time is an illusion.