When somebody pointed out that the glasses blurred spiderman’s vision, this meme format was ruined.
If you want a similar “glasses actually let you see the truth” format to use 1988 film They Live has a similar moment I’ve seen people use
I gave it an effort.
you done good, thanks
This is superior!
The thing is that you’re meant to reverse the images. The problem is the number of people who haven’t watched Raimi’s Spiderman co-opting the meme.
Yea every meme is destroyed because of this…
First thing I thought, I was honestly confused for a second there.
This, in my opinion, is the number one source of road rage: drivers unrealistically expect to zoom around fast, yet it never happens. So they rage.
I love watching them angrily pass me to only make it like 3 cars ahead
3 cars? I’ve seen people do crazy stunts to either end up one car ahead or worse overtake me only find me again at the next traffic light
I think a lot of people get in these unhealthy mind tracks when they’re driving all the time. Passing subconsciously seems like it will speed up the time you’re stuck in traffic or dealing with uncertainty.
In reality, just allowing things to flow the way they will and going with it is a much less stressful existence.
In reality, just allowing things to flow the way they will and going with it is a much less stressful existence.
Or it would be, if you weren’t still surrounded by brain dead shitheels operating massive deadly weapons like they’re in a fucking demo derby.
I’d say it’s more like a slalom. Your vehicle just happens to be an obstacle preventing them from getting a new personal best on this run.
There’s only so much you can do in this situation. You probably can’t fix their issues but you at least have a much better chance of being proactive in not falling into the same pattern.
You’re right and I get it. When I was younger I use to think I needed to switch multiple lanes to pass cars to get to my destination faster.
I didn’t drive aggressively and cut people off, but I noticed most of the time you maybe only save a minute or two on your trip, so honestly it’s not even worth it.
Now I’m just fine with cruising, going the speed limit, and reaching my destination safely. It’s much more relaxing.
Sigh I miss using the train when I lived in Japan.
Adaptive cruise makes this even easier. Also I use it to draft big vehicles like camper trailers on long trips and get 45+mpg in my Outback.
I just wish I could control the acceleration on mine
It’s good that it gently slows down when I approach cars but once it’s clear it fucking floors it
Yeah. Also my cruise control doesn’t work well when towing a trailer on anything other than flat ground but part of that is the cruise control system and part is the CVT. You’ll be cruising along nice, and a gentle slope appears. It won’t react at first, then fucking redlines it, over shoots the speed so it goes completely off the throttle, applies low throttle when you get to the speed, gets 3 mph too slow and redlines it again. Probably my biggest complaint about that car. Overall I like it though.
So true. These people damn near cause accidents just to rush to the next red light. I just don’t understand the amount of aggressive drivers on the road.
You’ll wish you would have taken your time once you find yourself in an accident and hopefully it didn’t cause the life of another person.
Happens on normal roads by me all the time. Nearly got rear ended by a douchebag in a BMW (redundant) because I dared not run a red light. Then he zoomed around me when it turned green, zig zagged back and forth across the 2 lanes for miles. And then we ended up side by side at a light way down the road.
Bravo, nearly wrecked a few times for a nice 0s gain
It always makes me smirk when they show a car zooming down a completely empty city street.
The only way that’s going to happen is if you blow through a barricade. I almost expect them to plow into a bunch of marathon runners or something.
It’s sad that you people don’t understand that places like that do exist, all across the vast landscape of America.
It is reality, and it exists outside of major cities. I literally never have to endure a traffic jam when I commute.
The actual reality is that the freedom to roam is what a car grants you. It does not grant you freedom to roam inside crowded cities. You can’t “roam” there because it’s too fucking crowded but as soon as you get outside the city the freedom begins.
Its nice to see that the Lemmy fuckCars crowd is a little more understanding that cars are needed outside of cities. I live in rural Colorado and I can drive for hours w/o traffic.
For example, this photo was taken in the forest a few miles from my house.
Nope fuck your car. You should be walking or biking all those miles duh
The traffic jam is the reality for the vast majority of car owners. Most people live in cities, and they’re only too crowded because cars are too big.
Actually the majority of Americans live in the suburbs, 55%. 31% live in urban / metro environments, and 14% live in rural areas according to Pew Research:
Where I live is classified as “rural” by Pew’s map but I live in town, and I have easy access to groceries and restaurants. It takes me about 20 minutes to commute to work by car. Life is good here.
Suburbs are part of cities, and are the parts which have higher rates of car ownership. Being able to commute into a city by car is the entire point of a suburb.
Suburbs are generally towns adjacent to cities, by their literal definition and municipal boundaries. You are probably saying they are part of cities to fit the narrative that “most people live in cities” which is not accurate when you look at the actual concrete data.
From your own link:
Suburban and small metro counties: These 1,093 counties – sometimes called “suburbs” in this report – include those outside the core cities of the largest metro areas, as well as the entirety of other metropolitan areas. This group includes “large fringe metro,” “medium metro” and “small metro” counties in the NCHS classification system.
And when I said “most people live in cities”, I was including suburbs, and in fact its mostly suburbanites that I was referring to since they are the ones sitting in these traffic jams. People in denser urban areas, or I guess what you’re thinking of when I say “cities”, own fewer cars and use other modes more.
There’s no “narrative”, you just had a different interpretation of what I meant.
suburbs are essentially sprawled urban areas that are predicated on bad design and requiring a car.
Suburbs are design with the implicit assumption that people will need a car. No car and require public transit? Tough shit, good luck with whatever current routes may or may not exist.
Most of the “fuck cars” people live in very dense urban areas. If they live in smaller cities or even rural areas they’d be way happier IMO
The traffic jam is the reality for the vast majority of car owners.
Citation needed.
Most people live in cities
Most city-livers don’t own cars. If they do, they can go find open roads. They just have to get out of the city.
Bicycles deliver the freedom auto ads promise
Nothing annoys me more than car ads where the car is in the wilderness like that. I can think of the range Rover one that’s running now where they pick up hikers and drive them to the summit of the mountain. Like it ignores the entire point of being in the nature.
I mean, an ebike + light rail is enough to explore a city and it’s surroundings, but I can think of a few places I’ve visited in my life that would be basically inaccessible without a car.
…or a very, very long roundtrip on train, I suppose. For like two of them.
Still, shouldn’t need a car in an urban area.
I think most people are ok with cars in rural settings but cars don’t work very well in urban areas.
If you didn’t own a car you could still rent one to go out camping or something. I don’t understand why everyone needs to own a 23MPG offroad trail destroyer stegosaurus to maybe go camping twice a year.
Renting is exactly what we did :D Can’t very well bring a whole ass car with you on a plane. Nor should you want to.
There definitely have been, and continue to be, some great experiences in my life that would have been impossible without a car.
But they happen so infrequently that owning a car myself is completely nonsensical from a cost perspective.
Much better to spend a couple hundred bucks a year renting/borrowing a car the 2-3 times I need one, than $10k a year on payments/gas/insurance/parking just so it can take up valuable urban land to sit unused 99% of its life.
Yeah. The only mode of transportation that I own is an ebike. And I could probably cut the “e” part out without too much fuss.
Good panier bags make all the difference though.
You put the Spider-Man images reversed.
tHe fReEDom tO wAnDEr
I’ve never been on a cruise but I feel like that would be the case. Nice pics but I’ve seen people’s real pictures and it looks like a public pool on the worst day paired with walking around a shopping mall that is 97% gift shops
So what would be the alternative of people making this meme? Forcing everyone to use bike or other kinds of public transportations?
That would ignore the main point, that is the fact that most western cities are heavily overcrowded.
Have other viable modes of transport available so people have a choice, and given that other modes are much more space efficient than cars you can have less congestion with less road.
True and it’s not even that hard to achieve that. But every mean of transportation should have its place. Remove cars? No, pretty bad idea. But giving the choice to people of public transportation or make the city bike-safe should be a priority nowadays. Many people will switch from a car once they have it.
Lolololol imagine thinking both aren’t possible. Christ it hurts.
And yet where do you think car owners spend more of their time?