Just interested if there’s an episode of a particular series you find yourself going back to? Not necessarily “the best” or your favorite, just one you gravitate toward for a comfort re-watch? Here’s the episodes from each series I find myself re-watching a lot:
TOS: Mirror, Mirror (instant classic, love the episode)
TNG: The Offspring (favorite Data episode, gives me a lump in the throat)
DS9: The Visitor (similar feeling to The Offspring)
VOY: Blink of an Eye (brilliant episode, even if it apparently rips off a novel but it’s cool to see the concept on TV)
ENT: Similitude (love the drama, love the theme and emotions)
DIS: Need to rewatch the first four seasons to find an episode that I’d want to rewatch
PIC: Vox (Okay, for the ENT-D reveal…)
SNW: Momento Mori (the first season is way better than the second season, and this episode is really cool IMO)
Haven’t seen enough of TAS, Prodigy, and Lower Decks to select any.
I know it gets a lot of hate, but TNG: Masks. There’s no adversary, just the crew working together to solve a problem. The solution is based in understanding. For similar reasons, I like Cause and Effect and Time Squared.
I like Masks too :P
One of the episodes that stuck with me since I’ve been a kid.
Fun fact- the character named Corgana is named after Billy Corgan of smashing pumpkins. The writer was a fan.
Balance of Terror from TOS is, without any doubt, my favorite Star Trek episode.
Agreed. I love Balance of Terror.
Whoa, I was gonna also mention “balance of terror”, but I thought that’d be too geeky.
Geeky yes, but Mark Lenard is great in every appearance.
Got to be In the Pale Moonlight - DS9.
Best line deliver in television imo.
Good meme
Many many episodes but I have a special place in my heart for VOY: Message In A Bottle.
“Stop breathing down my neck.”
“My breathing is merely a simulation.”
“So is my neck! Stop it anyway!”
I love the ‘Darmok’ episode from TNG.
Berlin, when the wall fell.
I feel like the recent SNW “Those Old Scientists” is quickly going to be joining my list.
Seeing and hearing so many “boimlerisms” on the flesh made me very happy.
And Mariner-isms too!
Indeed. Watching Ready Room and paying attention to details after Jack Quaid mentioned the effort to include them was really nice. And Mariner’s demeanor and speech patterns were awesome. No wonder the cast felt “energized”. The animated faster tempo is real.
TNG: ‘Q Who’
DS9: ‘In The Pale Moonlight’
Voyager: ‘Scorpion’
Enterprise: ‘Carbon Creek’
Discovery: ‘Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad’ or ‘Die Trying’
(I also have a soft spot for parts of Picard season 1)
(I also have a soft spot for parts of Picard season 1)
I actually like that this is a favorite episode thread, because season one of Picard has “Nepenthe,” which I come back to again and again. I love how Troi is the central character of that episode and the primary mover of the whole plot. It’s the crowning moment for any non-titular TNG character in all of Picard, and superior to anything in S3!
I’m partial to TNG’s Relics. I can sympathise with Scotty, and it’s a nice and fairly cozy episode, with some fun callbacks to TOS.
I like a lot of the procedural legal ones.
Judgement - ENT
The Drumhead - TNG
Rules of Engagement - DS9
Author, Author - VOY
That being said I have a few others that are generally great.
Q2 - VOY - I just love the fact that Keegan DeLancie is actually John DeLancie’s son and he does a great job being a little shit Q.
The Inner Light - TNG - self explanatory
(this is cheating but) The Aenar 3-parter - ENT - Goddamn season 4 was so good, and I really wish we could see the Romulan war. I’d even settle for them doing an animated series with the cast’s voices to avoid age issues.
I’m surprised The Measure of a Man isn’t on that shortlist for procedural episodes.
Oh yeah that’s a great one, not sure why I missed putting it down. Good call!
Yeah I agree ENT should have continued for at least one more season. The ideas they had for season five before they got the cancellation news sound awesome. If Im picking my favorite episodes, for ENT it would be United and Terra Prime probably. Also Judgment apparently is Scott Bakulas favorite episode of the series, interestingly enough.
Terra Prime is an excellent series finale ;)
Ends with a good speech too
Ones I can rewatch pretty much anytime: The Doomsday Machine, Yesterday’s Enterprise, The Next Phase, Cause ans Effect
DS9 - In the Pale Moonlight
Great acting and a very compelling story that’s not action driven, relying on its story, dialogue and fantastic acting. I mean, with top Garak and Sisko, what can go wrong?
Darmok. Always Darmok.
I adore VOY: The 37s. Janeway and Earheart have a really great character arc.
DS9: The Visitor
“Computer, remove onions.”
“Beep-beep There are no onions in your room.”
A Fistful of Datas.