Russia backing hackers threatened to disrupt the SWIFT network, causing international banking chaos; the idea is to disrupt western support for Ukraine.
Judging by my ATM card working just fine earlier today, I guess it was a noncredible threat.
does it count as attack on NATO infrastructure? do i get to press article 5 button? (yes i’m polish why are you asking)
If you could prove it was backed by the Russian government, yes. Maybe glass Moscow just to be safe?
Mercy to the cruel is cruelty to my IRA. Better hit the Kremlin roof again to proactively protect pittance, saved from years of hard work. Where are all the white hat hackers? Where have all the cowboys gone?
Attribution of cyberattacks is annoyingly slow, going around some steps surely can’t harm anyone
Once again, I remain a master strategist
Had you predicted this? 😮
With the understanding that there will be absolutely no follow up questions or requests for proof, I can say - confidently and unequivocally - yes, I completely predicted this.
lmao with that intro i can’t tell if it’s a joke! aaaaa, i wanna follow a seer!
Great, I’ve been looking for a Muad’dib, link to your Patreon?