Well, those dwarves are certainly…something!

  • inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The entire point was that her skin was white.

    I could not disagree more, truly at my maximum. The point was a fairy tale with magic poison apple, nature friendly dwarves taking a runaway in and then true love breaking a spell with a kiss.

    Like, srsly. Her skin color could not matter less, y’all too hung up on the name and ignoring the actual plot.

    • Uruanna@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      … Her name is Snow White BECAUSE her skin is white as snow.

      “How I wish that I had a daughter who had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony.” Some time later, the queen dies giving birth to a baby daughter whom she names Snow White.

    • Phoenixz@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      You get too hung up on the LITERAL NAME.

      It’s like buying a red Ferrari and you get a white Volkswagen beetle, and then the car dealer telling you that it’s a car, you’re getting too hung up on a name.

      And that ignores the part that all this is just virtue signalling on the part of Disney. Who cares that the story is shit, who cares that the acting, the CGI, that it’s all horrible? The main actress… IS BLACK! YOU MUST LOVE THIS NOW GIVE US YOUR MONEY!

      I don’t mind watching a good movie about one armed black transexual women kicking some ass, as long as the story is good and realistic, as long as the acting is good, as long as the end product actually looks like someone gave a damn.

      THIS product shows that nobody gave a damn, then they put in an actress who very much does not match the description, knowing the backlash that would follow which they figured, bad talk about this is still talking about this, yay. The actress herself didn’t help her case when she started bitching about the previous movie and how she would show us… Then the seven dwarfs became… Seven growth unstunted beings? I don’t even know how to describe it, but now dwarfs are out too, even though afaik, they are mythical dwarfs but whatever, BUT LETS NOT GET STUCK ON WORDS, RIGHT?

      If we go like that then I have a bridge to sell to you. You give me a million dollars and I will give you my worn out 20 year old washing machine with a note that mentions something somehow about not getting hung up on words…

      I just want a good movie. This is not a good movie and it’s just trying really hard to fool people into thinking it’s good, using very very low and cheap tricks… And it worked on you.

      • inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I regret my original comment because all it did was self select you turds to come tell me how weird you are.

        Look, I don’t care about the movie, I’m never going to see it and couldn’t care less if it’s good or bad. But this impotent racist outrage is just so goddamn predictable. I have no love for Disney or any of their crappy live action adaptions, it’s a cash grab that isn’t worth thinking about.

        Yet here you angry dorks are. All worked up about a black woman in movie you don’t have to see. It’s frankly pathetic and I am entirely done with giving this topic a second more of my time. You should do the same.