to wit: is a contemporary remake plausible?

i absolutely love this movie. its simplistic, heartwarming. so well acted by good old jimmy stewart. any required ‘special’ affects are minimalist and unobtrusive… subtle even.

that said, it is a product of its time and very dated material. one could hardly blame kids of today for not really identifying with a lot of the situations/context. the social events and home context are almost foreign compared to today. on the other hand, the mental health aspect might be quite pertinent.

what is the feasibility of a rewrite in a more modern setting? could it exist with the technology of today? could someone as nice as the main character is required to be maintain such civility in the face modern communication streams?

who could possible pull off such a lovable character… tom hanks comes to mind.


    3 months ago

    I saw a play of Harvey recently and it was both funnier and a bit darker then I remember the movie being.