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A24 and Alex Garland hit a home run with Civil War earlier this year. The film had pretty good reviews but did exceptionally well at the box office. There was doing well and then there were the numbers that this movie managed to pull in. If it was one of the bigger studios, they would have looked at that $124 million worldwide and probably fired someone, but for A24, that is a win. So, it’s not surprising to hear that Garland and A24 are teaming up for another war-based project. This one is just called Warfare and was written and directed by Garland and Ray Mendoza, an Iraq war veteran. Whenever a movie based on modern-day warfare comes out, you always see veterans reacting to the film and talking about what aspects of the film are accurate and what aspects aren’t. This time, the team for this film appears to be trying to stop that before the film even comes out by having a veteran behind the camera. It’s one thing to have someone on set as a consultant; it’s another to have them behind the camera and helping direct a scene. The first trailer and poster were released earlier this month, and the film will be released sometime next year, maybe in April, if they want to try and make that Civil War lighting strike twice.


  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I hope it has a happy ending where every invader gets vaporized but I have a strange feeling we’re supposed to think they’re the good guys while the people trying to defend their country from an illegal invasion are the bad guys.

    Wish we had a better orientalism emote but this will have to do said-lob