Aren’t all adaptations “high-budget fanfiction” though? Like, what about the film makes it more fanfictiony compared to other comic or book adaptations?
sure, but it was fanfiction in the sense that the whole story is centered around fan service. It was mostly “hey, that character you like is back!” and “oh my god, the villain people like made an appearance for 3 minutes!”. It didn’t feel like its own movie, just a collection of “give the fans what they want” scenes.
Spiderman no way home. Everyone was raving about it, when I finally got around to watching it, it turned out to be high-budget fanfiction.
Aren’t all adaptations “high-budget fanfiction” though? Like, what about the film makes it more fanfictiony compared to other comic or book adaptations?
sure, but it was fanfiction in the sense that the whole story is centered around fan service. It was mostly “hey, that character you like is back!” and “oh my god, the villain people like made an appearance for 3 minutes!”. It didn’t feel like its own movie, just a collection of “give the fans what they want” scenes.