Maybe this question seems stupid, so be it. But I’ve seen mostly bad news, and I struggle to get away from it.
I want to know this: What do you think is going to be good and or great in the upcoming four years of us politics?
There’s a good chance he dies.
I think that’s actually a worse scenario. Trump, while evil, doesn’t really have the focus or energy to fully enact the entire range of bullshit he could/people say he will. If Vance takes over, his billionaire puppeteers are in full control and he’ll enthusiastically continue on with Project 2025. If there’s an election in 2028, he gets to run with the advantages of being the incumbent President instead of a VP hoping to take over from his predecessor.
I call that “God’s ultimate veto”
But then we get a couch fucker as president.
I’m hoping he does before the inauguration.
My money’s on choking to death on a burger while sitting on a toilet and jerking it to a picture of his daughter.
Great, President Vance is cuming for your couches.
The best case scenario: Trump, Vance and RFK Jr. all take the same Boeing flight to the inauguration and it crashes.
I understand the sentinment but understand that a majority of voters voted for them.
Americans have decided they’d be willing to risk fascism for a chance of the gas prices drop by 5 cents.
They die then Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is president. He will baselessly claim the democrats shot down the plane.
There will be a nationwide purge of any non-maga-republicans.
I don’t think someone else’s death is ever a good thing to hope for
I don’t think someone else’s death is ever a good thing to hope for
I strongly disagree. There are many times where someone else’s death is something to hope for. I think if you try you can think of a few relatively easily.
I’m afraid I cannot. That’s why I have that view. To each their own tho, I still appreciate your perspective!
Normally if agree but I’m willing to make exceptions.
The only problem is that then Vance gets to step up and while Trump is willing to use Project 2025 to get what he wants, Vance is one of the authors.
The slow death of the American empire. It may push the rest of the world to a geopolitical realignment that excludes the US. This could allow international organizations to proceed without having the US veto human rights, actions against climate change, or things like that.
You say that like it hasn’t been in decline since 2000 or so lol
We will know that is happening if there is ever a real movement to abolish the UN Security Council, or at least the permanent seats that have veto power. Until then, the US will always have that power.
The last 10 years provide excellent reasoning for the removal of the US, Russia, and Israel from any council where they have veto power. Especially given that veto power is often used to allow atrocities to continue.
That’s kinda sad. But given things like food and other basic human needs not being recognized by one one country in the un, you might just be right.
Thank you for the insight tho!
Well there’s hope that it incentivices the American people to revolt or revolution. So…yay?
This is what we want. This is who we are as a nation. There will be no revolution.
Yeah totally. The mass of white liberals is going to suddenly revolt and start a revolution lol.
They’re going to do what they always do: put their head down and rationalize the oppression of the poor, racial minorities, and women. That, at least, has will stay consistent.
“I DID my part! I took ten minutes out of my day to vote! What else could you possibly expect of me??”
Yeah just like we hoped Russian citizens would. Probably not going to happen.
Perhaps? Let’s hope it stays peaceful tho
No tyrant has ever been defeated by asking nicely.
Meh, fair
For people who have 401Ks or other investments, the likely deregulation pushes up stock prices (which is why the stock market had a big bump this week). Oh, sure, those regulations help protect the environment, workers rights, worker health and safety, etc., but:
You know he hasn’t taken office yet, right?
Why without you think I didn’t?
I’m not holding my breath but this could be a huge turning point for the Democratic party where they may finally follow the populism playbook that Bernie started in 2016.
My pet theory is that this is our opportunity to decimate the 2 party system.
That might just make the country more democratic!
Only a tenth, huh? Well, you do you.
From what I’ve seen from Bernie, that would mean the country would get nicer for the less fortunate, right?
It’s so sad he never got to be president. As a non American he was a favourite of mine.
The end of daylight savings.
Fuckhead almost did it.
Oh heck yes! Normal hours please!
The tariffs might increase US manufacturing as many people won’t want to trade. Maybe.
Or result in US businesses moving their trade dollars from tariff-affectrd countries to others that could really use the money, like Mexico or Central America.
I have a feeling even if this happens we’ll still see an increase in American goods. That high of tariffs ensures there is no competition and American companies can charge whatever they want.
We are just repeating history if he indiscriminately puts tariffs on businesses.
American made products do tend to have good quality to my knowledge
Which products? All the ones designed in the US to be manufactured in China?
Harley Davidson? Just the first one that comes to mind
Not actually a good example, most motorcyclists hate HD
Fair enough, ehm, intel cpu’s?
Also a bad example, there have been a lot of issues with their recent ones
Hmm, ye they’ve hit a bit of a stump recently
Yes, there are a lot of them still lurking…
Liberty Tabletop, American Blanket Company, American Giant, Craftsman, etc
From what I know, most American-made items are manufactured with “prison labor” which is an euphemism for slavery.
Ohh, well that’s not good
Maybe I can pump another 10x out of my Crypto portfolio and retire early.
Good luck! And enjoy it if you can!
If everything works out okay yay.
If everything goes to shit republicans have nobody to blame because they have a majority everywhere and we can vote them out.
And the democrats got a wakeup call they can learn from (but they played the same 2016 tactics and got the same 2016 prize so we’ll see if anything sticks next time)
republicans have nobody to blame
They will always find someone to blame.
Minorities. Immigrants. Illegals. The poor. The middle class. Big tech. The economy. China. India. They will always find something.
Even if it’s complete and total nonsense.
That assumes there are no shenanigans with those elections. I believe we will have them (edited to clarify: I believe we will have elections as well as election shenanigans.) We’ll just have to see how fair they are.
Kinda hope people find out after fucking around so much
You think this might be a learning experience? For whom?
Republican voters
The torrent of lies and absurd statements should keep the rest of the world entertained. For most Americans, it’s probably going to be horrifying, tragic and/or embarrassing.
Edit: corrected the mess left behind by autocorrect
should keep the rest of the world entrained.
Sorry, but you guys stopped being fun to watch a while ago.
It’s now gone well beyond train-wreck levels of horrified “can’t look away” viewing.
Sorry I’m not native English. I’m failing to figure out what “entrained” means here?
It’s evidence of me swiping too fast and not reading the text three times before sending.
It happens, I do that sometimes
There is a possibility that Elno gets EVs mandated, or at least promoted to a greater extent. Of course this will only be for Tesla, but there would be a ripple effect on other brands.
That would be nice, electric drives nice imo
I thought you said “Elmo gets EVs mandated” and I was so confused for a second. x_x
My hope is that people really radicalize and realize that it takes others to really thrive and fight in a world/system/government built to neglect. I how people band together more and build stronger communities and practice mutual aid, etc. And that people learn what white supremacy really is…
We shall see, let’s hope for a good outcome
I hope, so much, but with the way people in the red have been, “love your neighbor as yourself” is almost an exception rather than the rule it should be.
So we make it the rule in our circle, and hope people pass it on!
I don’t really see him living for another 4 years. I expect his diet, lack of exercise and excess of bike to kill him off; assuming some whackadoodle doesn’t get to him first.
That’s not positive. But I see where you’re coming from, he’s old and not the healthiest.
Let’s hope for the best
absolutely is a positive.
We’re about to see how strong federalism really is. Federalism would either be the last defence against a autocracizing Federal government, or prove to be another joke.
(idk if I even spelled autocracizing correctly, too tired of this bullshit to spell)
Let’s hope for the best!
State governments are even more corruption lol
We are getting gang band by 3-4 levels of the government along with an oligopoly player banging us in every critical market lol
There is a meme of that white girl…