There’s gunna be some kids from some desperate situations, just trying to make money for their destitute families for any number of reasons.
The 14 year old, overworked and tired, will be called into the managers office.
“We’ve noticed you’ve been working really hard. You know, there’s a promotion on offer. Comes with a substantial pay increase, might be able to help out mom and dad.” The manager walks around behind them.
“We have lots of competition here, though.” The door locks, the child feels hands on their shoulders.
“We need to see what you’re willing to do to come out ahead.”
If situations like this happens with adults, it will absolutely happen with children.
If you are an Indiana parent and allow your child to work a job that follows the new rules and doesn’t have the kids best interest in mind then you are a bad parent. Educate your kids about what the job should be offering and you as the parent can restrict their hours.
Educate your kids about what the job should be offering and you as the parent can restrict their hours.
Sure, but the government taking away abortion rights and forcing these unqualified people to be parents while forcing these kids to work, sure sounds like they’re creating a slave class.
Stop saying the quiet part out loud. Next, you’ll be railing against prison labor, asking that we treat prisoners as people.
It’s sarcasm, shut up.
It’s sarcasm, shut up
Babe wake up, new /s tag dropped
A mod removed one of my comments because they didn’t know what that meant. I’m a bit defensive after.
Unfunny people will be the death of us all, and I’m not even joking.
I like it, seems cracked honestly because I can mark stuff and not need a shower after
Theres parents that snatch anything their teen kids make as “rent” then kick them out at 18 with nothing. They even try to make them pay back the cost of raising them.
As they said, bad parents.
Indiana parents are gonna accuse you of being a filthy communist if they catch you talking about workers rights like that.
The CEO needs his workers to be young, cheap, and completely subservient if he wants to buy that brand new fourth backup superyacht.
Hoosier here. We’re trying to fix it. But guess which party has had a supermajority in state government for decades?
Republicans are racing to see who can make their state into a 3rd world country first.
Republicans are racing to see how many different ways they can legalize pedophilia.
A lot of states would already be classified as third world. Take away the funding from blue states and they go straight to undeveloped
Which ones? I live in a low income, rural area in a red state. It is nothing like a 3rd world country, just not even remotely close. Yet.
How many have you been to? I’ve been to a few.
I didn’t realize that 3rd world is a derogatory term from the Cold War era so let’s switch to developing.
One developing country I’ve been to is Paraguay. They have a literacy rate of 94.54% and apparently the global literacy rate is 86.3%
Let’s look at US states now
Yes I just quickly googled these because this is social media, not a uni term paper
Well, I would agree that literacy rates are lower here.
To be fair, I am going off media representation of what is considered “developing” (well, media representation of “3rd world”, anyway).
But, simply look up HDI scores for the US states and you will see that there is no comparison here.
Edit: link for your benefit
Paragauy was like .731 or something, for reference.
Considering all these changes have been since 2019, seems like they’re actually successfully making it worse with each passing year.
You’re not wrong.
Every time I go through Indiana it feels like a slow motion apocalypse is happening there. I always start looking for the Stacks from Ready Player One.
The sad part is Indiana is such a nice state. That was one state I’ve visited that I did not expect to like so much
Is it those damned Greens?
Wrong Christmas color.
They sink and sink and sink and STILL refuse to vote in their best interests.
The lazier and angrier, the more ignorant they seem to become, and the easier it is to exploit them for life, they have less value as individuals, work MORE and LONGER for less and less, sliding back to the Middle Ages and they are the stupid, ignorant, disposable peasants.Hey in the middle age people weren’t working that much… more first Industrial Revolution 🙂
The children yearn for the mines.
*corn and soy fields
Just wait until they expand this again, permitting kids 12 and up to do sex work…
I read about a (right wing, religious) cult leader who said that menstruation is the signal that a female is ready for breeding. You’re not at all wrong.
If it was good enough for the bronze age Israelites, it’s good enough for us!
What’s depressing is that I initially read this as “India is a great place to hire child labor”, thought damn that sucks, then realized it said “Indiana”. Not even surprised anymore tbh.
well this cant turn out to be a moral and ethical problem. no way this can turn out bad in any way right?
The children yearn for the mines!
they really do.
I think teenagers having a first job in highschool is an important milestone that we should encourage.
There should clearly be protections in place. I’m not arguing otherwise. But I don’t get this sentiment of it being tantamount to child abuse to let a 16yo get a job at their local movie theater after school to earn some extra pocket change.
I don’t see that argument being made. The changes talked about in this post is them removing protections that are reasonable.
I mean, the comment literally right above mine is about how if we let kids work then they’re gonna be molested by their bosses. That has nothing to do with any of the restrictions being rolled back.
And look, I’m not campaigning against any of the protections that got rolled back. I think it’s bad they did, and would be totally for them being reinstated. 1000%.
And maybe I’m just off base. I feel like I have seen a lot of “children shouldn’t be allowed to get jobs” rhetoric of late in this context. But it’s entirely possible that most people are totally on board with 16yo’s having jobs, and what I’m seeing is just a vocal minority.
You should have replied to that person, then.
That’s not the only comment taking a similar position though. Just an example. I made my own top level comment to address something that seems like a more general trend when this issue comes up.
That’s what work permits are for you dingus. I got my first job at 15 and plenty of protections were still in place. This only lets children be exploited and nothing else.
Children should not have to work to support their families. That is a specific situation that was being called out not just a teen working at McDonalds to have some spending money.
I agree. Children shouldn’t have to work to support their families.
None of the regulations that were stripped away have anything to do with that though, as far as I can tell.
So that problem exists in any world where we let kids work at McDonald’s for some spending money.
You are an idiot if you think that children won’t be exploited. There needs to be specific work her3 restrictions for this position to be anywhere near reasonable. Did you look up if there are work hour restrictions? Did you look up anything? If not shut up and let adults talk.
My brother in Christ, I literally say in the comment you replied to that all of the protections that were rolled back (including all the ones you just mentioned) are important, and that it’s a bad thing they were removed.
Who are you even arguing against?
What you’ve just done is called a red herring argument. You made up a position that nobody actually holds and then refuted it.
Please browse the comment section. I don’t think you’ll see anyone saying that high school students should never be allowed to have jobs.
That’s not a red herring, that’s a strawman. A red herring is a narrative plot device.
I think you’re missing some key components of the law they passed. This isn’t the after school job we had as teens when it’s not bound to only after school hours, overnight work, etc.
I should have been more clear I suppose. I support all of the restrictions that were in place, and I think it’s bad they were rolled back.
My response wasn’t intended to say the changes were bad, but was rather in response to a general sentiment that I was seeing in the comment section. Both on this post and others when the topic of minors in the work force comes up.