They’re turning the bombs gay.
The bombs change your pronouns to “was/collateral damage” 🥰
Bombs have been gay since the 90s:
I heard they’re developing a bomb that makes people gay.
I would say that would solve a lot of problems, but there are a lot of closeted self-hating conservatives.
Don’t need bombs for that
Well, they did look into it.
That’s actually how I feel like many are arguing. I don’t like it, because it’s woke. And it’s woke, because I don’t like it
Damn those homosexuals, they ruined warmongering!
Alright Nixon’s head, let’s get you to bed.
Apparently, Google is the queen of woke.
It’s annoying that these big, evil corporations that woke people hate are considered “woke” by conservatives.
It’s annoying
I find it hilarious that Google is getting hate from both sides. It’s not like they don’t deserve it, DEI aside.
It’s simply amazing to consider YouTube an enemy when YouTube is basically the soul reason right wing propaganda has spread to the level that it has today. YouTube is the breeding ground for the alt right. Their complaint is literally the opposite of reality, and as I type that I realize I’ve typed that a lot before haven’t I? Same old shit I guess.
But what other company can I rely on to give me a megaphone to tell people how much I’m being silenced?
I think more that they mean that alphabet has a massive dei programs. Special teams for minorities, required reporting on dei compliance for orgs, and official recognition of minority holidays etc for their employee base.
Fellas, is it woke for YouTube to funnel viewers towards pro-fascist videos?
To awaken the spirit of a nation, to feel the will of God, Family and Country. That’s pretty woke, though not exactly uhh good
DEI is woke. I guess I should’ve realized this sooner.
Treating everyone with basic human decency = “woke”
This is absolutely true, but not in the sense this is trying to portray. They censor me hard, and I’m not even that political, just anti-spyware. They censor anything they don’t like, so if you slight them for being a mass-data collection organization that shit all over their own old slogan, they put you on their shit list actively keeping you from being able to speak. Really, Google isn’t “woke” more so just a bunch of pandering opportunist capitalist predators in sheep’s wool. The word “woke” itself has devolved.
I know I should be angry, but honestly the copywriting on this is cracking my shit up. “So woke they never sleep” these bigots are comedy gold.
Truck drivin’, bible-thumpin’, gun totin’ knuckledragger in Texas:
“I ain’t gonna buy Lockeed Martin products, I’m gonna boycott them! Make 'murica grate agin!”
Proceeds to angrily keep on NOT buying surface-to-air a truck driving, gun toting redneck in texas I’d absolutely buy a SAM if I could, and paint it up in rainbows
Can you imagine, I wouldn’t even want to fire them, just have them decorate my front lawn.
Damn he was so close on buying that package of 12 F-22 Raptors too
No they would say that shit and but Chinese made shit with camo American flags.
If I’m booking a flight and the plane is a lockheed TriStar, I’m going to fly another flight. I am that pricipled in boycotting the wokes.
I was curious if they actually bothered to define what “woke” is. Obviously they don’t, you can’t define the boogey man.
I did find their “how do we rate things” page and the first criteria is: “do they donate to social justice causes.”
How do you literally say “I am against social justice” and think you’re the good guy?
How do you literally say “I am against social justice” and think you’re the good guy?
By first declaring “Social Justice Warriors” to be the enemy and bashing against them at every step for a decade.
I have a lot of trouble seeing how SJW could be an insult, let alone woke
Not woke? Still sleepwalking hey?
(They say “conservative” for “against social justice”; ie “conservative” for “anti-government radical”)
What the actual fuck!?
Woke, when boiled down to its very basic premise is: giving a shit about other people in society.
They’re against that so much so that they make websites like this to avoid giving money to corporations that pretend to value other people’s existence?
God I hate propagandists so fucking much…
Don’t forget they’re usually also agains cancel culture, which makes this even better.
My coworker wears a “cancel cancel culture” shirt… Ughh…
Pretty sure the people actually using it in a derogatory manner don’t care about common usage or meaning and use it as a placeholder for the n* word when talking in public. Urban, woke, DEI, East coast elite, etc is all just bigotry and racism.
Wokka please.
The point is that it’s all pretense anyway. At least for me. Capital has no soul, it’s a constantly mutating cancer that feeds on itself. So the rainbow flags seem a little disingenuous.
Those go hard
I could definitely see myself committing war crimes in those
I’m as cis-het as they come, and I’d rock those in a hot minute.
omg i want em now :3
I wonder if the Rights theory of “go woke, go broke” will stand up to Lockheed Martins profit margin during two wars…
Fun Fact: Novelist John Ringo is usually given credit for inventing that slogan.
John Ringo currently has trouble getting his novels published under his own name because he started going mask off and now has to post his racist shit to Substack.
(Okay I’d still buy an actual end to the Aldenata and Looking Glass series, but still)
I read a few of his books and really disliked his elementary Economics understanding. He really lays it on thick towards a Libertarian utopia of selfishness.
Yeah, he’s not subtle in his politics, but he only started getting in trouble when the white supremacy angle started to become undeniable.
It’s one thing to have the Rayndian Ubermensch solve everything with capitalism and bootstraps while that dang guvment tries to get in the way, it’s another to spend a whole book mansplaining that Latino culture will never amount to anything while it’s “obsessed with machismo” while being a sexist prick with a clear rape fetish.
Is there a military scifi writer that is not an altright shit bag?
David Weber is a conservative and a monarchist, but not alt right. Kind of gives Tolkien vibes sometimes, honestly, in that you’re pretty sure he supports the Divine Right of Kings but wouldn’t be okay with war crimes. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like gay people but he doesn’t go out of his way to beef with them either.
John Scalzi doesn’t have any damage I know of.
Dennis E Taylor literally has some characters talking about “both sides” in a recent entry with a plot about shape shifting lizard people controlling the government, but the Bobiverse made me think more classical liberal than ancap wingnut, it’s possible he just doesn’t know that lizard people is conspiracy code for Jewish people. Bobiverse is great regardless.
There are others. I think. Helldivers by Nicholas Sansbury Smith seemed fine but I wasn’t interested in reading past the first one.
Edit: Craig Alanson! My current favorite, ExForce is great. Mileage may vary later in the series, Skippy can get a little annoying/abusive.
Is this an app, a website? I need to start finding those woke businesses so I can be sure to buy from them.
Here you go!
Boeing is also woke according to them lol. I know someone who interned at boeing. They made him watch a mandatory anti-racism video where they weirdly focused on racism against white people.
Boeing is the opposite of woke.
Mandatory training always covers things some idiot once did, and now everyone has to suffer through dumb videos.
Do you have a portrait of Hitler hanging above your bed? No? Woke!
A hail a day keeps the woke away
Rofl reminds me of an acquaintance saying how anyone can be discriminated against (true), “like me,” they went on, “for being tall and blonde” (that’s not really…)
“Liberate yourself from the corporate wokehold.”
Thank you. I haven’t even looked up any companies yet and it’s already hilarious!
Thanks, finally we can easily avoid “woke free” companies
Sorry guys, Pfizer is “Extremely Woke” too.
I mean, that was obvious to anybody paying attention in 2021.
Their DEI link is to Rick Astley. (bottom of the page) Hardee har motherfuckers
They handily provide a link that ONLY shows you the woke brands - I will be moving as many of my purchases as possible to those brands. Thanks!
This has to be an Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat situation, right? Surely they’re making fun of the kind of people who would look for a website to tell them what brands are woke
The Rickroll at the DEI link does make me wonder if I’m being too credulous.
Goldman Sachs? Pfizer? These people are so braindead
I will be moving as many of my purchases as possible to those brands.
Time to give Jeff Bezos all my money to own the republicans.
Well I’ve got some news for you…
Lol, I don’t recognise a single brand from the “woke free” list
It’s crazy that Tesla is on the front page of here, but when I type in Tesla, there are no results. So broke of a website.
There’s a link at the bottom labeled, “Our Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Program”, and it was exactly what I expected.
Thank you!
HMB I’m gonna go replace everything I own with Oracle products to fight the Woke Mind Virus™
Their methodology is basically this :
- Find news articles about the company
- If it’s a positive article about the company’s environmental work, inclusion statements or supports any Biden policies then BAM woke.
- If it’s an article about the company donations to election denying politicians, about the company being accused of racism or about Republican donations then it gets stamped non woke.
- Average the results and profit!
I’m not sure how many articles they “find” or how they decide which ones to include but this website is as hilarious as it is sad. Imagine being so afraid of the word “woke” that you feel the need curate a list of companies to avoid.
I sort of want every company imaginable to be marked as “extremely woke”. Get the alt right out of the marketplace. Let them create secondary and underground stores.
the chucklefucks whining about “woke” can’t even define what the term means, let along know a single goddamn thing about lockheed martin
Woke is when rainbow flags, according to these guys lmao
guess ill be buying my civilian murder tools elsewhere!
They ranked Raytheon as on Woke instead of EXTREMELY WOKE. Didn’t see any non-woke defense companies though ☹️☹️☹️
Damn neoliberalism, made the conservative ethos more palatable and confusing 😪
I’ll never buy a Lockheed Martin product again.
As a joke I was looking for general everyday items they might’ve sold but now I feel like I’m on a new list.
I did find cool Hawaiian satellite shirts that I kinda want now
They launched that whole fucken fashion line as a pr stunt, it pains me that they’re actually pretty snazzy clothes
No lie, I want that shirt
Hoellee shit. I need that
I had to throw away my brand new F-35 Lightning II. I hate SJWs so much for this!!!
They don’t even have ratings for Nestlé or Coca-Cola. What the fuck is this
Nestle isn’t woke. It’s evil. That’s why it’s not listed.